The People of Goda, the Clan of Tubal Cain

Our Legacy


“I describe myself as a Pellar. The People are formed in clans or families by the local name of the Deity. I am a member of the People of Goda – the Clan of Tubal Cain.”

Robert Cochrane 1931-1966


This is the official web presence of the direct and legitimate legacy holders of the People of Goda, of the Clan of Tubal Cain, the direct gift in continuity of past Magisters,  Evan John Jones and Robert Cochrane. 







Through portent, fate, and act of faith we became the lineage bearers of the Robert Cochrane tradition held in the covenant through the bequest of Evan John Jones. We are the People of Goda, Clan of Tubal Cain and remain a closed Initiatory group aligned to the Shadow Mysteries within the Luciferian stream dedicated to experiential gnosis. As students of arte we mediate the ancestral stream via teaching through practice with the sacred tenets of Clan of Tubal Cain – the convocation of Truth, Love and Beauty. The Word is thus manifest in deed and vision.

“A driving thirst for knowledge is the forerunner of wisdom.”

Robert Cochrane 1931-1966


Who we are . . .

The Clan of Tubal Cain thus describes a ‘People’ practising Traditional Craft, over which much speculation has been vocalised for almost five decades. But it is important only to remember that any mystical or magical system stands or falls on its intrinsic ability to produce tangible results. The energy, virtue and exultation experienced during ritual are the only testimonies to authenticity you need.

There exists between ‘being’ and ‘source’ a symbiosis that throughout the millennia, many have sought to rationalise and ultimately to control. Abuse it, and we abuse ourselves. Many gifted individuals, pioneers in the esoteric and occult sciences, no longer here in body, continue to guide us along our individual quests for knowledge and salvation, secure in Fellowship and Companie.

Evan John Jones, had, since the tragic death of Cochrane in 1966, kept alive the magic and spirit of one of the 20th century’s most enigmatic and gifted exponents of the craft. It now falls to the ‘People of Goda’, to hold in trust the legacy of this now historical, magical tradition.

Under this premise, the past Magister of The Clan, E. J. Jones [now deceased], asked the Maid, Shani Oates, to present this synopsis, which in its sharing, will hopefully inspire many more to trust the ancient forces at work within this great and vast Universe that play, ubiquitously around and through us. The Clan of Tubal Cain thus continues all works incumbent upon its Legacy in direct succession through Evan John Jones from his former Magister and founder of the Clan during the 1960s, the late Robert Cochrane.

And though his correspondence via numerous letters is proving to be significant, so obscure and personal is the veil surrounding Cochrane, that neither these works nor privileged insights by ourselves as inheritors of this vital legacy may reveal much of note to those beyond the troth of the ‘People;’ only through the ‘Work’ will others begin to truly experience the man behind the myth, and the myth behind the man.

For those of you who choose then to devise rituals based upon his work, be prepared to experience something very deep, raw and primal. Requiring no elaboration, its power lies within its simplicity. Subtle it is not. Unlike many modern traditions, revived or otherwise, it bears little resemblance to paganism, remaining true to its craft roots. Indeed, Cochrane believed that certain ideals and practices inherent within his Craft highlighted a distinct mythos that crossed the boundaries of witches and pagan.

As the seasons unfold, the journey expresses more than a celebration of the transition between life to death and life once more; the rituals rely more on the focussed power of the mind to work in altered states rather than subscribing to an overt show of pomp and circumstance. Conversely, it requires that we recognise our humanity in deference to our ‘divinity’; moreover, it is uniquely humbling to realise our puerility in the presence of such an immense, encompassing Virtue. Contained within its eclectic praxis are many fundamental truths; arcane keys inspire magical consciousness, buoyant within a profound Cosmology.

Rites that clearly echo all forms of ancestor worship honour the Clan family, both past and present. Moreover, spatial and temporal boundaries disintegrate as the true historical legacy unfurls, transcending the notoriety of its promulgator, Robert Cochrane. Either directly or indirectly, both he and his successor E. J. Jones have been vehicles for the continuity of religious- historical practises reaching back through centuries of Gypsy-lore, medieval daemonology, Anglo-Saxon and Norse folk magics, mystical crafts and cultural magics.

May this culmination bring fruition to all works undertaken in this stream, that they be a mirror of lore to all faithful adherents of  the Mysteries. And may all knowledge continue to serve you, as it does the People of Goda, The Clan of Tubal Cain.


Shani Oates [1998] amended 2014


One Response to “The People of Goda, the Clan of Tubal Cain”

  1. Thanks Shani for the message…. 😉

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